Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Not Oh Cee but the Meticulous SHE

Meticulous- adj. showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise. 

In my first year in college, excitement is the thing that I feel when I left home in the province and rent a space in an apartment. I feel the bliss brought by independence and having thoughts of going on an adventure with new buddies and friendly freshie roommates. That time, I am still used to have someone who will fix my own cabinet or fix my own bed, to have someone that would arrange personal stuffs that I use which makes me really disorganized. Thus, to have new meticulous rummie is somehow troublesome but actually, it's really challenging.    My new roommate would always tell me everyday about arranging the room and cleaning it, of small bubbles and the few strand of hairs that were left from the bathroom after I take a bath especially when Im already late in class, of where should I hang my towel. It was annoying and somehow I feel being bullied because she's five years older than me. Such annoyance could be because at home, I was not used to be told my mom how to clean my room with so much organization because it was my father who takes this role. He's the one who often reviews our cleaning work, he easily see anything that is not good for His meticulous eyes but is already okay for me. Apparently, I was not used to have a female authority to tell me my cleaning ways. But looking between the contrast between I, my roommate and my father, do women and women are really different in terms of looking into details?

A study conducted by Cognitive psychologist Dr Lorenza Colzato of Leiden University with her colleagues Toronto showed that women's attention are significantly different than men's as an effect of high levels of the hormone estrogen among women during their menstrual cycle (2011). Women were keen into details and highly meticulous when estrogen is at work. In their research, men and women carry out an inhibition task of which their participants view a short film and immediately after it appears a stimulus on the edge of their field of vision, every time in a different spot it is being presented and they have to react as quickly as possible to that. The reaction time normally increases as the interval between the film and the stimulus lengthens. This is due to the fact that the visual attention system gives priority to new locations over old ones, and the return of attention to the old location is inhibited. The men performed the task with the same time intervals however, the women did it during the three different phases of their menstrual cycle. The results showed that during the luteal phase which is after ovulation and in the menstrual phase, the women performed the same way as men but highly differed during the follicular phase, the first half of menstrual cycle which is characterized by a higher level of estrogen. 

This is the reason why women are really meticulous to the point that we label them as having Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. They don't just the thing but the details of the thing that's why it is a no surprise for women to really notice a single hair on the floor of a well-arranged and cleaned room. It is no surprise that some of the mothers see any unpleasant crease in our dress when we go out most especially when the estrogen are up. Everything is magnified and there's no such thing as negligible for women during their follicular phase.

Thus, maybe those times that I was consistently told by my roommate about every single detail to fix in the room is the time right after her period. Well, for my father, maybe He's just meticulous. 


I'm not Obsessive-Compulsive I'm super meticulous. [Online Image]. Retrieved August 28, 2012 from http://www.superiorsilkscreen.com/t-shirts/327-i-m-not-obsessive-compulsive-i-m-super-meticulous.html

Leiden University (2011). Is attention in females different?. ScienceDaily. Retrieved August 28, 2012, from http://www.sciencedaily.com­/releases/2011/12/111214094659.htm

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